A passion to win and only win and there is a cost to pay
Chess, prediction of the opponent’s next move, addiction to drugs and alcohol, a passion to win and only win and there is a cost to pay, the destruction of our own selves. The addiction of winning is like an addiction of drug and once you have a taste of winning, you want more of it.
This miniseries is based on the book of the same name by an American novelist and short story writer Walter Tevis. It’s seven part series aired on Netflix. The old vehicles, costumes, lightning, the composure and demeanor of charterers are really breathtaking and one can find himself transported to an era of bygone days. However, it’s embellished with an element of fantasy to arouse public interest.

The pills given to each student for a more pacified behavior was actually the beginning of her addiction to the drugs and gradually it offered her more control and solace. The practice with janitor paved the way for her to utilize her eerie brilliance toward a particular direction. The bonding with Mr Shaibel, the janitor, the way he taught her and his help with 10 dollar entry fee really touched my heart. I have not played chess yet but the whole magic has compelled me to buy a chess board.
She was adopted by a couple but it didn’t turn out ideal and when her adoptive father left his drunken wife, the flimsy bond between Beth (Anya Taylor-Joy) and her mother strengthened when her mother discovered about the monetary benefits of chess tournaments. Her mother’s addiction of drugs also provided her the supply of her own.
It was usually a man vs. man and female vs. female play but she opted for an open competition and that was quite not common for the females at that time. She beat Russian in their home game. The end was really moving when her previous chess competitors helped her to make a move against Russian player, Bolgrov. The way they worked in unison and came out with various option for the next move added a beautiful element in the transition toward the ending of this series. Tranquilizers were considered to enhance her thinking, but she flushed out those pills and tried to depend on herself, but that’s not the way how it works in real life. To free from the shackles of drugs was indeed a transition toward a more independent life.
However, it’s a great deal of fun for viewers during these rather somber days.
Worth watching, making chess look exciting and dramatic.
I was really transported to another time and place.
indeed worth watching season …