Our society is flooded with charlatans of varied kinds. They, with their false claims hoodwink innocent people and amass thousands…
In memory of that voice which still resounds in my ears Those words “Daikhti Aankhon, Suntay Kanoon ko Tariq Aziz…
You find it difficult to make judgments about people around you. They are either of your own age or children.…
Today, I examine the other side of the coin- what happens when domestic servants outdo morality and indulge in sensual…
A knock on the door. He, often, rings a bell. But, nowadays, he pounds a gate to prevent electric shock…
France always fascinated me due to its rich history, culture and iconic landmarks like Eiffel tower. It made me wonder…
It’s drizzling outside. She wraps herself up in the blanket. She’s tired of her long illness, and doc has instructed…
Red-vented bulbul
The sense of smell sets off a web of memories. Whether it be the scent of fresh snow, smell of…
Travelling in a group makes you more aware of the surroundings and gives you a new perspective on life. You…
Though the Ramadan is over, but the feeling of fasting is still there. This feeling will be over in a…
Dedicate to all females on the last Roza At Suhoor, he came toward the dining room and paused a moment…
“Amma, I’m coming home.” He fastened his seatbelt as the plane taxied along the runway. He looked outside the plane…
After breaking fast with date, we often toss its pit in a plate and then finally it makes its way…
When I took oath on that day, it never occurred to me that, one day, I would be so close…