In memory of that voice which still resounds in my ears
Those words “Daikhti Aankhon, Suntay Kanoon ko Tariq Aziz ka salam”
He was the first male PTV broadcaster. Almost everyone was charmed by the grandeur of his voice. He was a man of dignity and integrity. His command over Urdu diction, verses, poetry and prose was matchless. If I close my eyes, his magnificent voice still send shudders down my spine. His words still touches my soul, invigorates me, invokes my thoughts and make me realize the subtleties of life.
‘Neelam Ghar’, the only entertaining show of our childhood still reverberates in my mind. It was first aired in 1974, later renamed the ‘Tariq Aziz Show’ and then as ‘Bazm-e-Tariq Aziz’. How beautifully his program was organized? Newly wed couples, competition of poetry, guests from different walk of life, artists, and quizzes and so on. Such charismatic personalities are born after decades. He made no compromises on the quality of show.

Indeed, media was not flooded with varied channels at that time and only PTV {Golden era of PTV} wore the crown of glory. However, I remember, I used to listen to quality, wise words from the channel. Even while playing around, those words were streaming inside the house and are embedded in my memory.
The next generation would never hear those words which we and our elders had a chance to listen.
Indeed every soul shall taste death.
May his soul rest in peace.