A trip down the memory lane.
The smell of coming spring, the bloom, and gentle breeze brushed my cherry red jersey… I found myself standing in the mustard fields, looking onward, towards the vast expanse of the fields. I imagined myself, a tiny existence, in the universe.
A bee bumbles. Ah! I awake from a reverie.
I wonder what would happen to human existence if bees disappear. What would happen to crops and flowering plants?
To honor the 50th anniversary of EARTH DAY, I cook Zucchini and Potato today( plant-based meal), take a shorter shower, unplug electronics, plant marigold in my garden pot…

I’ve already contributed a part by shifting to energy-efficient bulbs. No carbon foot-printing for the last one and a half month(mainly due to Corona virus). Mint and coriander smiling in the pots.
I dedicate my musings to BEE.